Libera free
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Basisdaten: |
Barcode: 724355782328
Label Code: LC XXXX
Label Nummer:
Label: EMI Classics
Künstler: libera
Alex Baron
Simon Beston
Anthony Chadney
Sam Coates
Ben Crawley
Thomas Cully
Alasdair Gordon
Michael Horncastle
Norman Hughes
Simon Lewis
Raoul Neumann
Robert Ogilive
Callum Payne
Joseph Platt
Christopher Robson
Joseph Sanders-Wilde
Jake Shortall
Grant Smith
George Tarlton
James Vereycken
Nathaniel Webb
Andrew Winter
Ron Winter
Vocals [Solo] – Ben Crawley (tracks: 1, 4, 6, 9, 11), Joseph Platt (tracks: 2, 3, 6, 7, 13)
Erschienen: 2004
Aufnahmeort 1:
Gatway Studios, London
Tracklist: |
- I am the day, for chorus
- Stay with me, for chorus
- Voca Me
- A song of enchantment
- Ave verum
- Do not stand at my grave and weep, for chorus
- When a knight
- A new heaven
- I vow to thee, my country, for chorus & orchestra, H. 148
- Lament
- Twilight
- Be Still, My Soul, hymn (based on Finlandia)
- Adoramus, for chorus