Leonard Bernstein Mass
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Barcode: 794881752225
Label Code: LC7045
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Künstler:Staats- und Domchor Berlin
Erschienen: 2004
Trackliste: |
CD 1
1-1 Antiphon: "Kyrie Eleison" 2:28
1-2 Hymn And Psalm: A Simple Song 3:46
1-3 Responsory: "Alleluia" 1:07
1-4 Prefatory Prayers 5:06
1-5 Thrice - Triple Canon: Dominum Vobiscum 0:42
1-6 In Nomine Patris 2:03
1-7 Prayer For The Congregation (Chorale: "Almighty Father") 1:39
1-8 Epiphany 0:56
1-9 Confiteor 2:11
1-10 Trope: "I Don't Know" 1:30
1-11 Trope: "Easy" 4:42
1-12 V. Meditation No.1 6:11
1-13 Gloria Tibi 1:38
1-14 Gloria In Excelsis 1:17
1-15 Trope: "Half Of The People" 0:59
1-16 Trope: "Thank You" 2:42
1-17 VII. Meditation No.2 3:37
1-18 VIII. Epistle "The Word Of Lord" 5:53
1-19 IX. Gospel-Sermon "God Said" 4:28
CD 2
2-1 Credo In Unum Deum 1:10
2-2 Trope: "Non Credo" 2:17
2-3 Trope: "Hurry" 1:22
2-4 World Without End 1:34
2-5 Trope: "I Believe In God" 1:58
2-6 XI. Meditation (De Profundis, Part 1) 2:44
2-7 XII. Offertory (De Profundis, Part 2) 2:02
2-8 "Our Father..." 2:07
2-9 Trope: "I Go On" 2:34
2-10 XIV. Sanctus "Holy! Holy! Holy!..." 5:19
2-11 XV. Agnus Dei 5:38
2-12 XVI. Fraction 14:19
2-13 XVII. Pax: Communion 9:43