Kommende Konzerttermine

St.-Martins-Chorknaben Biberach

22 Okt 2024;St. Martin

Cappella Musicale Pontificia „Sistina“

24 Okt 2024;Santuario di San Salvatore in Lauro
concerto straordinario

Wiener Sängerknaben

25 Okt 2024;MuTh
Friday Afternoon

Thomanerchor Leipzig

25 Okt 2024;Thomaskirche

Thomanerchor Leipzig

26 Okt 2024;Thomaskirche

Dresdner Kreuzchor

26 Okt 2024;Kreuzkirche am Altmarkt

Augsburger Domsingknaben

26 Okt 2024;Augsburger Dom
Cantate Domino zum 30. Sonntag im Jahreskreis – Laetetur cor

Regensburger Domspatzen

26 Okt 2024;Basilika St. Kastor

Augsburger Domsingknaben

27 Okt 2024;Augsburger Dom
Kapitelamt am 30. Sonntag im Jahreskreis – Laetetur cor

Wiener Sängerknaben

27 Okt 2024;Hofburgkapelle
Joseph Haydn, Missa B-Dur, Hob.XXII:12 "Theresienmesse"

Thomanerchor Leipzig

27 Okt 2024;Thomaskirche
Gottesdienst (22. Sonntag nach Trinitatis)

Augsburger Domsingknaben

27 Okt 2024;martini-Park
Die letzte Verschwörung

Dresdner Kreuzchor

27 Okt 2024;Kreuzkirche am Altmarkt

Tölzer Knabenchor

29 Okt 2024;Opernhaus Nürnberg
19:00 21:40

Thomanerchor Leipzig

31 Okt 2024;Thomaskirche
Festgottesdienst zum Reformationstag

Achtung bitte beachten was wegen Corona abgesagt wird!

CD Empfohlen

A trebles voice

A trebles voice - Cover
Verpackung: Jewelcase

Der Messias




Label Code: 60069 -60070
Label: Capiccio
Künstler: Wiener Sängerknaben
Max Emanuel Cencic Sopran
Charles Humphries Counter-tenor
Ivan Sharpe Tenor
Robert Torday Bass Baritone
Orchester Academy of London
Komponist: Georg Friedrich Händl
Erschienen: 1995
Erstveröffentlichung: 1995
Ort: Königsdorf
Genre: --
Signatur: B0211
Aufnahmeort 1: Barbican Center London


CD 1
  1 Der Messias HWV 56 (Oratorium) (Gesamtaufnahme)
  2 Accompagnato: Comfort ye, comfort ye my people 00:03:10
  3 Aria: Ev'ry valley shall be exalted 00:03:33
  4 Chorus: And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed 00:02:30
  5 Accompagnato: Thus saith the Lord of Hosts 00:01:28
  6 Aria: But who may abide the day of his coming 00:04:43
  7 Chorus: And he shall purify 00:02:59
  8 Recitative: Behold, a virgin shall conceive 00:00:22
  9 Accompagnato: For behold, darkness shall cover 00:01:51
10 Aria: That people that walked in darkness 00:03:37
11 Chorus: For unto is a Child is born 00:04:50
12 (Pifa - Pastoral Symphony) 00:01:01
13 Recitative: There were shepherds abiding 00:00:19
14 Accompagnato: And Io, the angel of the Lord 00:00:29
15 Recitative: And the angel said unto them 00:00:44
16 Accompagnato: And suddenly there was 00:00:18
17 Chorus: Glory to God in the highest 00:02:00
18 Aria: Rejoyce greatly, O daughter of Zion 00:04:12
19 Recitative: Then shall the eyes of the blind 00:00:29
20 Duet: He shall feed his flock 00:04:35
21 Chorus: His yoke is easy, his burthern is light 00:03:01
22 Chorus: Behold the Lamb of God 00:02:56
23 Aria: He was despised 00:05:26
24 Chorus: Surely, he hath borne our griefs 00:02:06
25 Chorus: And with his stripes we are healed 00:02:00
26 Chorus: All we like sheep have gone astray 00:04:10
27 Accompagnato: All they that see him 00:00:49
28 Chorus: He trusted in God 00:02:34
29 Accompagnato: He was cut off out of the land 00:00:33
30 Aria: But thou didst not leave his soul in hell 00:01:14
31 Chorus: Lift up your heads, O ye gates 00:03:02
CD 2
  1 Aria: Thou art gone up on high 00:03:12
  2 Chorus: The Lord gave the word 00:01:08
  3 Aria: How beautiful are the feet 00:02:19
  4 Chorus: Their sound is gone out 00:01:29
  5 Aria: Why do the Nations 00:02:46
  6 Chorus: Let us break their bonds asunder 00:01:53
  7 Recitative: He that dwelleth in heaven 00:00:13
  8 Aria: Thou shalt break them 00:01:56
  9 Chorus: Hallelujah 00:03:50
10 Aria: I know that my Redeemer liveth 00:05:27
11 Chorus: Since by man came death 00:01:59
12 Accompagnato: Behold, I tell you a mystery 00:00:35
13 Aria: The trumpet shall sound 00:04:10
14 Recitative: Then shall be brought to pass 00:00:21
15 Accompagnato: O death, where is thy sting ? 00:01:02
16 Chorus: But thanks be to God 00:02:11
17 Aria: If God be for us 00:03:39
18 Chorus: Worthy is the Lamb that was slain - Amen 00:06:38

Verpackung: Jewelcase

CD zuletzt archiviert

Symphonie Nr. 3

Cover - Symphonie Nr. 3
Verpackung: Jewelcase

Vinyl zuletzt archiviert

Nun lob mein Seel den Herren

Cover - Nun lob mein Seel den Herren

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